Sunday, December 29, 2024
Hey Jess,
It's Riley. I know it's been a long time, but I've been thinking about you a lot lately. I have been in recovery for 7 months now and throughout my journey, I've often thought about you. Always fond memories. I met you in high school and then our paths crossed once again while we both endured tough times. I was definitely one of a very few people that not only saw you and knew you on a very personal level during those struggles, but I actually endured them right along beside you. Coming from years of my own lived experiences, I know that unfortunately no one can help us until we somehow, but for the grace of God, find the strength to begin to help ourselves. That is far easier said than done. I wish that you were able to free yourself of all of your pain without having to lose your life. I also know all about pain. Like you, and most others who battle with the horrific disease of addiction, I have also lived a life full of pain. I understand the struggles you faced better than most. However I also know that there were some things you kept hidden inside and I wish either I or someone else was able to be there for you when and how you needed it. Anyway Jess, I just want you to know that I love you and that you are missed by many including myself. I have been talking to you during my prayers and my hope is that you can hear me. Rest peacefully beautiful girl. Hope to meet again one day on the other side.